const components = { display_text: ``, custom_resource_display: `
`, blank: `

`, display_image: ``, row: `
`, column: `
`, layer_proxy: `
`, infobox: `
`, h_line: `
`, v_line: `
`, challenges: `
`, challenge: `

Goal: {{format(tmp[layer].challenges[data].goal)}} {{tmp[layer].challenges[data].currencyDisplayName ? tmp[layer].challenges[data].currencyDisplayName : modInfo.pointsName}}
`, upgrades: `

`, upgrade: ``, milestones: `

`, milestone: `

  `, toggle: ``, prestige_button: ``, main_display: `
You have

{{data ? format(player[layer].points, data) : formatWhole(player[layer].points)}}


`, resource_display: `

You have {{formatWhole(tmp[layer].baseAmount)}} {{tmp[layer].baseResource}}

You are gaining {{format(tmp[layer].resetGain.times(tmp[layer].passiveGeneration))}} {{tmp[layer].resource}} per second

Your best {{tmp[layer].resource}} is {{formatWhole(player[layer].best)}}
You have made a total of {{formatWhole(player[layer].total)}} {{tmp[layer].resource}}
`, buyables: `

`, buyable: `

`, respec_button: `
`, clickables: `

`, clickable: ``, master_button: ``, grid: `

`, gridable: ``, microtabs: `
`, bar: `
`, achievements: `

`, achievement: `

`, tree: `
`, upgrade_tree: ``, buyable_tree: ``, clickable_tree: ``, thing_tree: `
`, text_input: ``, slider: `
`, drop_down: ``, sell_one: ``, sell_all: ``, node_mark: `
`, tab_buttons: `
`, tree_node: ``, layer_tab: `

`, overlay_head: `

Dev Speed: {{format(player.devSpeed)}}x

Offline Time: {{formatTime(player.offTime.remain)}}

You have


{{tmp.other.oompsMag != 0 ? format(tmp.other.oomps) + " OOM" + (tmp.other.oompsMag < 0 ? "^OOM" : tmp.other.oompsMag > 1 ? "^" + tmp.other.oompsMag : "") + "s" : formatSmall(getPointGen())}}/sec
`, info_tab: `



Made by {{}}
The Modding Tree {{TMT_VERSION.tmtNum}} by Acamaeda
The Prestige Tree made by Jacorb and Aarex

The Modding Tree Discord
Main Prestige Tree server

Current Endgame: {{format(endPoints) + " " + (modInfo.pointsName ? modInfo.pointsName : "points")}}

Time Played: {{formatTime(player.timePlayed)}}


`, options_tab: `
`, tooltip: `
`, particle: `
`, bg: `
`, };